June 2015
As building works at Bethany School near completion, the FSL charity team are finalising plans for the classroom layout and are preparing the first instalment of computers to ship out to Bekoji in Ethiopia.
The initial blueprint for the 9m x 9m computer lab was designed to support 31 computers located across 6 bench desks (to seat 30 children), with a teachers’ desk at the front of the class. However, when the design was submitted to Stand by Me, as a proof for the local carpenters to work from, we learnt that, by Ethiopian law, every classroom designed by a Non-Governmental Organisation must accommodate a minimum of 40 children.
Therefore, we had to amend our plans accordingly. The bench desks were reduced in width by 30cm to allow for 2 additional bench desks to be installed at the back of the class. In consultation with the carpenters we also changed the cable management design. Cables will be run via grommet holes in the desks, instead of having an access panel at the back of the desk, to improve general stability.
The ultra-compact computers were received in kit form in May and these have been built and configured with current versions of Microsoft Windows and Office ready to be shipped to Bekoji in July.