FSL is proud to announce that we are now Cyber Essentials certified.
Cyber Essentials is an internationally recognised, UK Government-backed certification scheme launched in 2014 as part of the Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy. It is designed to help organisations protect themselves from 80% of known internet-based threats, endorsing that a robust security baseline is in place.
This confirms our strong commitment to maintaining a secure IT infrastructure and hosting platform for the CGiX Application.
The Cyber Essentials security standard spans across five key control areas:
- Boundary firewalls and internet gateways: Preventing unauthorised access to FSL’s network, computers and systems.
- Secure Configuration: Minimizing potential security risks by hardening default configurations with only strictly necessary features enabled.
- User access control: Special Access Privileges are restricted to approved user accounts, are fully documented and regularly reviewed.
- Malware Protection: All machines are fully protected by regularly updated Antivirus software, utilising web page and file access scans.
- Patch management: Ensuring critical security patches are quickly installed with no longer supported software removed in a prompt fashion.
The scope of the testing covered our entire infrastructure including all desktop and laptop computers, physical and virtual servers, and networking equipment. All aspects were independently verified by Secarma.
You can read more about the Cyber Essentials Certification at the National Cyber Security Centre website.