FSL supported Macmillan on Thursday 26th September 2019 by hosting a terrific Coffee Morning. Our talented employees dedicated their time to bake some delicious treats for the amazing cause. The day resulted in a lot fun and games and a few too many sugar comas.
The bake-off this year was incredibly competitive with Feargal Crehan coming out on top with his indulgent ‘Chocolatey Choc Choc Brownies’. The runner up was Jimmy Fung with his super fluffy and coconutty ‘Chinese Cocktail Buns’.
Star Baker
Feargal Crehan
Chocolatey Choc Choc Brownies
Runner Up
Jimmy Fung
Chinese Cocktail Buns
Macmillan comprehends how cancer can affect people’s whole lives – health, money, family, job, everything. And, after more than 100 years of caring, Macmillan recognises that the most important thing is to treat people as individuals, not patients. They take the time to understand the support people need is to live their lives as fully as they can. From the moment of diagnosis and whenever needed, Macmillan are there to help people find their best way through.
FSL employees managed to raise an incredible £328.41 together. FSL generously matched the total amount raised to tally the funds up to £656.82. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Coffee Morning and made it such a magnificent day at FSL.
For more information about Macmillan, support or if you just want someone to talk to, please call Macmillan free on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm).
We look forward to hosting another Coffee Morning next year!