Celebrating FSL\’s Achievement in the London Tech Top 50

FSL are thrilled to discover that we had achieved a ranking in BusinessCloud’s London Tech Top 50. This prestigious recognition highlights our dedication to innovation and excellence in the tech industry.

The final ranking was decided by a combination of judging panel and a public vote which attracted 2,700 votes. The overwhelming support from the public and the recognition from industry experts are a testament to our hard work and impact.

FSL achieved 26th place in the list that also includes Revolt, Deliveroo, Monzo and Starling Bank. Being listed alongside such prominent and successful companies is a great honor and reinforces our commitment to leading the way in technology and financial services. At Financial Sowtare Limired, we incredibly proud of this achievement and grateful to everyone who supported us.

This milestone motivates us to continue striving for excellence and pushing the boundaries of innovation. Our inclusion in this list is a clear indicator of our progress and the positive direction we are heading in as a company. Thank you to our team, customers, and partners for helping us reach this significant milestone.

We look forward to achieving even greater success in the future and continuing to make a substantial impact in the tech industry.