FSL’s Offshore Reporting Funds service

After over 20 years of providing our market-leading capital gains tax software, CGiX, to clients in the UK and Europe, we have developed and launched a complementary service for Offshore Reporting Funds.

The number of clients asking if we could source offshore reporting fund data increased greatly as it became a HMRC mandatory requirement. The data is difficult and time-consuming to obtain, but we have established a dedicated research team to perform this task on our clients behalf.

The data is available in a two formats. It can be received in spreadsheet format, which enables clients to process it internally as they choose, or it can be transferred via a download directly into the CGiX tax software. This provides the benefit of straight-through-processing with automatic calculation and adjustment to income and capital gains tax.

Additionally, we have a large database of offshore contacts, including many hedge funds which are notoriously difficult to obtain the data for. The database is updated daily, allowing FSL direct access to companies and fund managers, and enabling our research team to collate accurate and timely data.

There is an increasing demand and recognition in the financial industry for this data. Our client base has more than doubled in the past year, with many signing for multi-year deals, and includes several leading banks based in Switzerland.

Our service is competitively priced and is not restricted to solely CGiX clients.

For further information, contact Preya Patel at